Breaking News: Russian /Turkey impasse: His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga , a Presidential Hopeful of the Nigerian federation offer the following observations:We appeal to His Excellency President Vladimir Putin to temper Justice with pity and give the Turkey leader Erdogan and his sons a listening ear in the Paris climate meeting of the 30/11/2015;and other Matters

H.E. Vladimir Putin of Super Power Russia
Breaking News: Russian /Turkey impasse: His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga , a Presidential Hopeful of the Nigerian federation offer the following observations:We appeal to His Excellency President Vladimir Putin to temper Justice with pity and give the  Turkey leader Erdogan and his sons a listening ear in the Paris climate meeting of the 30/11/2015; and also we appeal to His Excellency Vladimir Putin to focus on how to assist other countries ravaged by decades of menace of international terrorism- we look forward to your prosperous leadership of the world to the benefits of all of mankind of substantiated realms of subsequent creation- Best wishes

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