On this day the 24th of August 2012 I Prince Frank Onaivi Ukonga celebrate with the great peoples of Osun State in particular H.E. Rauf Aregbesola the Governor of Osun State and all the well meaning and great peoples of Osun on this great day of the celebration of the Osun Trinity in remembrance and memory of the great mother Osun the daughter of Yemoja, the Mother of IFA with whom the supreme GODHEAD- OLODUMARE the creator, the benefactor, the beneficent one, the Holy one and the Oluaye, Oluokun was so pleased and blessed IFA the sixth child of OSUN that whoso ever believeth in IFA shall never perish but have eternal life everlasting. In the great transfiguration of IFA, the entire heavens were opened with great thunder and rapture , the supreme GOD and Ruler of the World OLODUMARE transmogrified and transposed,, juxtaposition the great divination of IFA as the go between as the son of Olodumare in whom He was well pleased and thenceforth, His Majesty Olodumare Declared that IFA is the path, Ifa is the way, Ifa is the Light of the world, Ifa is the truth to everlasting jubilant joy among the angels , Ifa is the Radiant Star,as well as the Morning Star...
Prediction of the coming of the Messiah IFA:
As it was written in Deuteronomy 18; 18 " that among thy brethren , i will rise a prophet and, i will put my words in his mouth and would perform miracles"- This is the prophesy that is million of year old but still as fresh as today - as at the appointed time Our Lord almighty Olodumare made that promise to come into being by his special love for IFA in whom he was well pleased and crowned as the Messiah of the world , as the Special advocate, as the special Mediator between Mankind and God. Though a number of other religions particular Christianity, want to lay claims that the Deuteronomy prophesy refers to Jesus Christ , but then Research and Development has proved beyond all doubt that the prophesy of Deuteronomy 18;18 was made in reference to the coming of IFA as the Messiah, the truth ad the light of the world of subsequent creation. This is also supported by the great book of ODU IFA.
Osun the daughter of Yemoja ,was so devoted to Olodumare that in her Oludumare was pleased and sent a spark of the truth ,IFa to come to being through a great volition that had been predicted and prepared by all the heavenly angel for millions of years. Whence the mother of the truth, the mother of the light of the world is also a GODDESS of special bequest and prerogatives to all the peoples of the world.Whosoever believeth in the Mother-Osun or the Son-IFA inadvertently believes in the truth and the light of OLUDUMARE and this as a primacy of relationship becomes the causality of miracles, forgiveness, progress and prosperity of believers and Mankind in generality.
OBATALA THE ACK ANGEL OF OLODUMARE: The God HEAD Olodumare reaches out to the world through His ach Angels that exist in the unity of diversity of an avalenche of a same underlying reality. There are four arch angels in whom Olodumare placed the destiny of the world and creation;
Obatala, Ogun, Orunmila, and Elegua.
As in the beginning the kingdom of the heaven suffered violence and by violence taketh it back- it was so in the great mystery of the creation of the world by the unity of the contributions of all the arch angels who have specific function they perform in subsequent creation. But an inner exposition into the causality of the feud among the gods will not be an exposition of this thesis but it is worth the mention that despite this, their still exist a general language of communication and a platform of understanding among the gods, the powers and principalities that rules the entire universe.
In the order of fruitfulness as it has been decreed in creation - Go ye and multiply so it Is among men and women of subsequent creation as well as among the gods, the angels and in the principalities.. and in this order of mutantis through volition and special preparation came in to being other gods of -SONGO, OYA, ORO,SHOPONO,ISAMI, ORI-OFU, ORI VOKOTO, Efunsheke,Gelede,ESU Odara, Esu the beast, etc
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