Public Announcement: June 12, 2024: DA, Frank Ukonga, Democracy Day Message: Public Announcement: June 12, 2024: DA, Frank Ukonga, Democracy Day Message: "On the behalf of all members of DA Democratic Alternative Party, the National Chairman of our great Party, HE Prince Frank Ukonga, greets all Nigerians, Happy Democracy Day; admonishing all citizens to rededicate ourselves to the noble ideals of June 12 , " HOPE '93" and the imperatives of HE Basorun MKO Abiola and others' struggles to establishing genuine democracy in Nigeria and Africa. The amiable Prince admonished the govt to deliver on campaign promises of dividends of democracy to all Nigerians. and advised global Actors to stop the ongoing wars in Ukraine ,terrorism and banditry in Africa, Wars in the Middle East and Asian Minor which could lead to "World War 3" of doomsday dread of Nuclear Holocausts and final destruction of Planet Earth. The World must urgently go back to dialogue on bipolar Nuclear Parity, and détente. Ebemizer Majiyagbe Political Desk National Peoples News

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