Breaking News: Books Prof Wole Shoyinka, Frank Ukonga,MKO Abiola and Prof Ade Ajayi made the Dean's List Awards of most valuable books

Breaking News: Books Prof Wole Shoyinka, Frank Ukonga,MKO Abiola and Prof Ade Ajayi made the Dean's List Awards of most valuable books of the Librarian of the Ivy League Prestigious University, the Northwestern University at Illinois, United States of America. The book authored by Prince Frank Ukonga titled "THE SEETHING WORLD-" Reparations for the Black Race made the Dean's /Librarian List. Other books that made the short Dean's /Librarian List includes those of Prof Wole Shoyinka, Prof Ade Ajayi and Basorun MKO Abiola and a few others. Northwestern University at Illinois has the Largest Library in the World and it is highly prestigious to be on the Dean's/Librarian short list of most valuable books. Below are the full list of those who made the Dean's list. AFRICAN AMERICAN REPARATIONS 1]”Who’ll pay reparations on my soul?” Gil Scott-Heron Small talk at 125th & Lenox (1970) 2]Abdul-Khaliq, Salim. Slavery: its horrors, why we should get reparations & what white people owe Africans in America. Chicago: Flaming Crescent Publications, 1995. 3]Onaivi, Prince Frank Ukonga. The seething world: reparation for the Black race: a functional approach. Lagos, Nigeria: Kukuruku Holdings, 1992. 4]Abiola, M. K. O. (Moshood Kashimawo Olawale). Reparations: a collection of speeches. Lome, Togo: Linguist Service, 1992. 5]Ajayi, J. F. Ade. Tradition and change in Africa: the essays of J.F. Ade Ajayi. Edited by Toyin Falola. Trenton: Africa World Press, 2000. 6]America, Richard F. Paying the social debt: what white America owes Black America. Westport: Praeger, 1993. 7]Bamitale, Adebayo. Reparation and psychological rehabilitation: the new struggle for the emancipation of Africa. Ibadan, Nigeria: Blessed Enterprises Limited, 1995. 8]Barkan, Elazar. The Guilt of nations: restitution and negotiating historical injustices. New York: Norton, 2000 .9]]Bittker, Boris I. The case for black reparations. New York: Random House, 1973. Black people and the U.S. economy: our case for reparations. Oakland: African People’s Socialist Party, 1982. 10]Soyinka, Wole. The burden of memory, the muse of forgiveness. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. book Editor Summer reading list of Northwestern university, Illinois USA; National Peoples News: 1595-0549

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