Thisday, as we celebrate the
sojourn of Jesus Christ on Earth among mankind of subsequent creation we
should reflect on the noble ideals our lord lived and died for.
He was
wrongly accused, crucified, dead and buried but through the strength of
Truth he triumphed over all his adversaries -releasing avalanche chain
reactions to safe and redeem the Human Race from the bondage of darkness
and eternal damnation through his blood that was shed for you and me on
the cross of Calvary....
Whence we admonish all human souls to
live with these noble ideals of love, truth, unity and peace addressed
to be at accord with fellow mankind and at concord with God to enrich
and foster the great partnership of Creation.....
As it is
written..."Ye Shall know the Truth and the Truth Will set you
free"...May the Adamantine Truth in the Blood of Jesus Christ shed on
the Cross,set all of mankind free from the bondage of Satan and his agents.Amen.