H.E Prince frank ukonga commend H.E. Nana Addo Danwka Akufo Addo for leading revolutionary government of the great peoples of Ghana addressed to establishing one of the most prosperous and industrialized Nation in Sub Saharan Africa and most specially his visit to the slave trade enclave of the 15th/ 16th century Goree Island were peoples of African extraction where dehumanized in the universality of the anti bellum triangular trade of slavery, colonization and imperialism foisted by the diabolical imperialist on peace loving Africans who indeed never offended them from Adam

H.E Prince frank ukonga commend H.E. Nana Addo Danwka Akufo Addo for leading revolutionary government of the great peoples of Ghana addressed to establishing one of the most prosperous and industrialized Nation in Sub Saharan Africa and most specially his visit to the slave trade enclave of the 15th/ 16th century Goree Island were peoples of African extraction where dehumanized in the universality of the anti bellum triangular trade of slavery, colonization and imperialism foisted by the diabolical imperialist on peace loving Africans who indeed never offended them from Adam...
This gross inhumanity of man on another man is a despicable case in Race Relations whose damages on the African polit economy cannot be wished away ; indeed it was this tripartite impudence of the white race in Africa that destroyed and underdeveloped the African personality and economy for ever...
And that is why esoteric African intelligentsia like Late Basorun MKO Abiola, H.E. Prince frank Ukonga, Late Professor Ali Mazuri, Professor Maumadu Ba etc are calling for REPARATIONS to be paid to African Nations by the imperialists..and we hope the amenable president of Ghana would peruse the views of those asking for Reparations and perhaps lend his voice to bring justice, truth and equity to the raped African personality and continent...Gratitude..frm Prince frank ukonga
H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo visit Goree Island

H.E.Prince frank Ukonga commend the Acting President of Nigeria H.E. Professor Yemi Osinbajo on his vision to develop the African continent through PPP , in particular Focus on AFC

H.E Professor Yemi Osinbajo- Acting President of Nigeria
H.E.Prince frank Ukonga commend the Acting President of Nigeria H.E. Professor Yemi Osinbajo on his vision to develop the African continent through PPP , in particular Focus on AFC-;This is a very good and remarkable view of the role of the private sector , Market forces in partnership with African govts can achieve giant strides with the support of AFC...the initiative of Soludonomics in creating the AFC comes alive after a decade of investing in building a prosperous African Economic Community....it could be achieved but more works and consultations would be required and here we offer to advice on novae stratagems for accelerated development of the concept of PPP- Public- Private Partnership..we must be cautious in the aspects of Commercial Banks lending for infrastructural Developments....
Regional Banking concept can mediate through capital syndication from donors and global financial actors..but home grown Regional Banks like AFC must also be cautious of iliquidity and insolvency and debt traps and repudiations aspects of infrastructural developmental loans...which eventually entrap Nations and State in debt traps and net exporter of capital and subsequently becomes counter productive as in under-developing the polity achieving exactly the opposite of what was originally desired...that is why we need experts to continue to re-examine the macro economic blue prints of Regional banking concepts, vs states and national govts with a view to continue to improve on the concept of Nigeria becoming the financial Hob of the African continent..which was the reason d entree of the home grown regional banking AFC in Africa but if not properly harnessed we could end up as Financial Hob speculating and peddling other peoples financial instruments and perhaps a net exporter of capital.....for more than 3 decades Prince frank Ukonga has been working on these concepts of how to make a viable financial hob of a leading city in Africa..like Lagos and the whole onus lies on the fact that we have to continuously be pro active...whence more consultations would be required in the context of internationalization of our Assets and Liabilities including the SWF,,,we commend the vision of the Acting President of Nigerian H.E. Professor Yemi Osinbajo. Gratitude..frm Prince frank Ukonga

Public Announcement On Mother's Day -2017: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga, Presidential Aspirant of the Nigerian Federation, wish all Mothers of Nigeria, Africa and the world Happy Mother's Day.

H.E Prince frank ukonga being interviewed by Jurnalists
Public Announcement On Mother's Day -2017: H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga, Presidential Aspirant of the Nigerian Federation, wish all Mothers of Nigeria, Africa and the world Happy Mother's Day. We appreciate your unparalleled contribution to creation and the making of human civilization in the great enterprise of creation in partnership with the Creator, the Beneficent , the Benefactor...and we Admonish all Women of Subsequent Creation to continue in their steadfast support and contributions to the successful becoming of Mankind. Gratitude.

H.E Prince frank ukonga, a presidential Aspirant of the Nigerian Federation 2019 polls: congratulate H.E. Akinwumi Ambode the Gov of Lagos State, and all Lagocians on the celebration of Lagos state at 50

H.E Prince frank ukonga, a presidential Aspirant of the Nigerian Federation 2019 polls: congratulate H.E. Akinwumi Ambode the Gov of Lagos State, and all Lagocians on the celebration of Lagos state at 50. Your contributions as the industrial and financial hob of the African continent is laudable while in the aspects of culture, arts and intellectual development of the African continent Lagos state and her great citizens are second to non in the entire length and breath of the continent. We salute all Lagocians and admonish them to keep the flag flying...Looking forward to joining hands with all Lagocians to jockey Nigeria and Africa to higher realms of summon bonum. Gratitude
H.E Prince frank Ukonga

H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga, a Presidential Aspirant of the Nigerian Federation 2019 polls Laud The Achievements of- H.E. Donald Trump 100 Days in Office and for His Mediator role between Russia and Ukraine impasse

H.E Prince Frank Ukonga, a Presidential Hopeful of the Nigerian Federation 2019 polls laud the pro active initiative of H.E. Donald Trump, the President and Commander in chief of the United states on his visionary stratagems to bring Peace, economic progress and rapid development to Europe , Asia, America an d the African continent..in particular his mediator role between Russia- Ukraine impasse-much so that within 100 days in office he had created more that 20 million job opportunities both in the USA and the global village which multiplier effects will invigorate productions and improve the overall GDP -Gross Domestic Product of the global Village to all times record High...We from the African continent gives H.E.Donald Trump a clean Bill of Health and admonish the Democratic Party counterparts and all other Americans to accept defeat sports-manly and join hands with the patriotic Amiable H.E. Donald Trump to move the US to its former halcyon Days of first among equals...looking forward to improved relations between the United states and the Rest of Us all...gratitude..frm H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga
H.E. Prince frank ukonga laud H.E. Donald Trump 100 Days and His mediator role between Russia and Ukraine impasse

The Sacraments of H.E Prince Frank Ukonga To all workers of the World: This Day 1st May 2017, Unto thee, all workers of the universe We grant the following Sacraments to liberate you from poverty, hunger,shame , ruins and griefs: Workers of all Nations of the World, Unite and grab your destinies with both hands.

The Sacraments of H.E Prince Frank Ukonga To all workers of the World: This Day 1st May 2017, Unto thee, all workers of the universe We grant the following Sacraments to liberate you from poverty, hunger,shame , ruins and griefs: Workers of all Nations of the World, Unite and grab your destinies with both hands.
His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga- PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANT
 ThisDay the 1st of May 2017 anno Domini we grant all workers of the universe the Sacraments of Prince Frank Onaivi Ukonga- the Prince Of Kukuruku Provinces, principalities and powers to liberate them from the universality of enslavement by capitalism, poverty, hunger, homelessness, scavenging, grief and shame foisted on them by the contemporary imperialism, Cooperate and institutional greed etc; as a panacea to usher them into everlasting freedom on a global scale…  the sacraments of Frank Ukonga is addressed to assist the entire globe to solve the World economic crisis  of the 21st century mankind of subsequent creation; as we journey along time and space in our three dimensional inertia system and of gravitational pull of 9.8m/s2 . As this phenomenology remain constant and adamantine, native to our planet earth as scientific and deterministic and based on this hypothesis, as truth, self evident:,
We grant the following SACRAMENTS;
1] That capitalism, cooperate and institutional greed are the direct and remote causality of the 21 century world economic and financial crisis.
2] That this crisis will grow more acute as we enter in to the second quartile of the 21 century unless something drastic is done on a global scale to resolve the world economic/financial crisis.
3]That there is an urgent need for the United Nation General Assembly to begin the – New World Order of the 21 century by the adoption of – A new Marshall plan to bail out the world from immanent economic/Financial collapse.
4]That the BRICS states plus Germany, Britain and the United States holds the key to resolving the world’s economic crisis if they can muster the will and cooperation to do so, otherwise poverty, disease, famine, hunger, death, AIDS pandemic, homelessness, redundancy of skilled and unskilled labor will grow more acute as we advance into the 21st century.
5] This problem if not resolved will be the causality of the 3ed world war towards the middle & upper quartiles of the 21 century.
6] Post industrialism vs Industrializing Nations must seek a truce of  conscientization in their  policy thrust of engagement and avarice competition.
7] Decades of wars in the Middle East and its negative impact on world political economy as contributory to the current down turn in world financial status and economy.
8] That the government of Social Democracy hold the answer to solving world political and economic crisis on a global basis through the advocacy of the theories of Participatory capitalism called  as a cannon fodder/ cushion  for the world’s journey into full socialism which is the inevitable adamantine order for the human race as a social,. Political and economic ideological imperatives if the human race is to survive into the 22 century.
9] The above SACRAMENTS represent the TRUTH about the causality of the contemporary problems of the post industrial mankind of the 21 century wherein also lies the solutions to the excruciating burden.
10] Workers of all countries of the world unite and take your destiny with your hands.

Prince Frank Ukonga Workers Day Lecture of May 1st 2017: The Imperatives of Social Democracy as panacea to capitalism, poverty, Redundancies and other Security Challenges of the 21st century:- An Empirical Dissertation

Prince Frank  Ukonga Workers Day Lecture of May 1st 2017: The Imperatives of Social Democracy as panacea to capitalism, poverty, Redundancies and other Security Challenges of the 21st century:- An Empirical Dissertation

Comrade Karl Marx
Prince Comrade Frank Onaivi Ukonga

PREAMBLES:The Imperatives of Workers Day Celebrations, to the Emancipation and Civilization
                                                                           of mankind of subsequent creation.

 I Prince Frank Onaivi Ukonga on the behalf of all Social Democrats of the Nigerian Federation and on the behalf of Social Democrats of the Ist and 2ed international, on the behalf of all the forerunners of social Democracy and on the behalf of all contemporary social Democrats of the world congratulates all workers of the world with the celebrations of workers Day today the 1st of May 2017 Anno Domini.
social democrats
It is important to espouse a and appraise all the forerunners of social Democracy who were the pioneers and founder of this workers Day celebration based on the  avant-garde Marxism Leninism philosophy that stood up in defense of the workers of the world and all proletariat of the world to liberating them from feudalism, obtuse capitalism and rabid imperialism.
Whence today we acknowledge the contributions of medieval materialist philosophers of Anahimenese, Anaxagoras and Anahimenda forerunners of the academic theoretical materialism from where Karl Marx, Fredrick Angels and Hegel’s took their inspirations to creating the social order of Social Democratic ideals and its schools of thought of Socialism, scientific atheism, and scientific communism.
comrade Che Guvera
The entire workers and proletariat of the world from generation to generation would continuously be indebted to His Excellency Plenipotentiary Extra Ordinary, His Pre Eminence Comrade Vladimir Lenin the founder and President of the first Workers State/ country in the entirety of human civilization- the Soviet Union the great.
His Excellency Vladimir Lenin in company of ten other inner caucus of the first workers revolution of the human race established the Soviet Union as one of the greatest super power Nation of the world of all times… it was a workers Revolution that made manifest that greatest achievement in Human history and legacies…All workers of the universe shall be for ever indebted to him till the end of time…whether you admit it or not he liberated all the workers and proletariat of the world from crass feudalism, slavery, exploitation of capitalism and the impudence of imperialism on a global basis. Which did much to tone down the levels of cooperate greed, institutional avarice on a global basis to this day as both as détente and in reality…We must also acknowledge his other 9 members who brought out the ideals of Socialist/ communist Manifest to the entire world: Molotov, Trotsky, Dershiskyi,  Josef Stalin ,Kosygin, Panemarov, Beria, Bagdanov, and Suslov….and we must also pay homage to the other generations that sustained the first workers revolution of the world namely His Excellency Nikita Krushov, His Excellency Plenipotentiary Extraordinary Josef Stalin Dugashvili,His Excellency Leonard Brezhnev, His Excellency Yuri Andropov, His Excellency Panamarenko, and in contemporary time  we have a new reinvented social democrat at the helm of affairs of the first workers state of the world who has redefined Social democracy with a 21st century perspective this is no other icon than his Excellency Plenipotentiary extra ordinary His Pre eminence President Vladimir Putin of Modern Russian with his great associate His Excellency Dmitri Medvedev.
Comrade V.I Lenin
Otherwise in the socialist international front, we must acknowledge the contributions of His Excellency Chairman Mao who led the second Workers Revolution of China and today China is the richest country of the universe, Russia is the third Richest of the human Race today. While His Excellency Mahatma Gandhi led the proletariat revolution of India based on the ideals of social democracy and today India is the 4 the richest Nation the world. Now how come that the richest nations in the world are those founded by social Democrats and those having economic recession today are the capitalist nations… this proves without doubt that the ideals of social democracy are the best for the human race…
We have to pay homage to the proponents of the Socialist 2ed International who took the baton of social democracy to the second stage of its universality.. Namely His Excellency President Comrades Fidel Castro and President Ruel Castro of Cuba, His Excellency President Emmanuel Otega of Vietnam of Ho Chin Mink Legacy and the fall of Saigon..His Excellency Che Guevara of Bolivia, His Excellencies Comrade Franz Fanon and comrade Antonio Gramschi of Matinique,..etc
Comrade Kwameh Nkrumah
And in the African frontiers we have to continuously acknowledge the revolution of His Excellency Plenipotentiary Extra ordinary, His Pre eminence Patrick Lumumba of Congo who set the ball of workers revolution rolling in Africa. We shall continuously be indebted to the revolutions of His Excellency Samora Michel of Mozambique, to be indebted to Maingatsu Haily Mariam of Etrhiopia,Anwarld Sadat of Egypt, Jafar El Nimeri of Sudan, Hessen Habre of Chard, Eyadema of Benin, to Secou Toure of Guinea, to Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, to Sam Nujoma of Namibia, to Augustinho Neto of Angola, to Oliver Tanbo of South Africa, to Nelson Mandela of South Africa…….
And in the Nigeria front we have to continuously thank his Excellency Chief Obafemi Awolowo who is an astute social democrat, we are indebted to His Excellency Alhaji Aminu Kano,His Excellency General Murtala Mohammed, Hs Excellency Comrade Sam Ikoku, Chuba Okadigbo, Remi Fani Kayode, Gani Fawehinmi, chief Gabriel Onaivi Ukonga,Tai Sholarin,MKO Abiola and a host of others.
comrade Aminu Kano
And in contemporary times we have social democratic governments in Russia , Germany, Brazil, China, India, South Africa and some other states of the world and five of this social democratic governments of the world came together to form the BRIC states of Brazil, Russia, India, and China which today is the richest and most exclusive club of Nation in the entire legacies of the human race with more than 20 trillion dollars in surplus while other capitalist Nation as, imperialist Nations are virtually bankrupt on a global basis with economic recession, frustration, joblessness and redundancies and plagued by all social and economic ill. This is a direct proof that the government of social democrat are the best for the human race..
And that is exactly our mission in Nigeria-. To create abundant wealth for all Nigerians and Africans.  To take Nigeria and the entire Africa to the promised land of economic, social and industrial prosperity. So all worker of Nigeria and all peoples of Nigeria this is a clarion call to all of you to embrace the Social Democratic Ideals to achieve for you the benefits being enjoyed by the peoples of all these rich nations being ruled by social democrats.
Once more we greet all workers of the world Happy workers Day and to remind you of the fundamental creed of social democracy that you destiny is in your hands, as social beings determines consciousness which is the adamantine catechism of social democracy.

Chairman Mao
This is the communique of my lecture series addressed to assist the entire globe to solve the World economic crisis of the first quartile of the 21 century mankind of subsequent creation; as we journey along time and space in our three dimensional inertia system and of gravitational pull of 9.8m/s2 . As this phenomenology remain constant and adamantine, native to our planet earth as scientific and deterministic and based on this hypothesis, as truth, self evident I posit the following observations;
1] That capitalism, cooperate and institutional greed are the direct and remote causality of the 21 century world economic and financial crisis.
2] That this crisis will grow more acute as we enter in to the second quartile of the 21 century unless something drastic is done on a global scale to resolve the world economic/financial crisis.
3]That there is an urgent need for the United Nation General Assembly to begin the – New World Order of the 21 century by the adoption of – A new Marshall plan to bail out the world from immanent economic/Financial collapse.
4]That the BRICS states plus Germany, Britain and the United States holds the key to resolving the world’s economic crisis if they can muster the will and cooperation to do so, otherwise poverty, disease, famine, hunger, death, AIDS pandemic, homelessness, redundancy of skilled and unskilled labour will grow more acute as we advance into the 21 century.
5] This problem if not resolved will be the causality of the 3ed world war towards the middle & upper quartiles of the 21 century.
6] Post industrialism vs Industrializing Nations must seek a truce of  conscientization in their  policy thrust of engagement and avarice competition.
7] Decades of wars in the Middle East and its negative impact on world political economy as contributory to the current down turn in world financial status and economy.
8] That the government of Social Democracy hold the answer to solving world political and economic crisis on a global basis through the advocacy of the theories of Participatory capitalism called ‘BARACK CAPITALISM ‘ BY  H.E. JOSEPH STALIN DUGASHVILLI  as a cannon fodder/ cushion  for the world’s journey into full socialism which is the inevitable adamantine order for the human race as a social,. Political and economic ideological imperatives if the human race is to survive into the 22 century.
The above hypothesis represents the communique from the series of Research into the contemporary problems of the post industrial mankind of the 21 century wherein also lies the solutions to the excruciating burden.

Social Democracy crests on the pillars of the transformation of Hegelian philosophy by His Pre eminence plenipotentiary Karl Marx into scientific thesis of Marxism base on the ideals of a number of historical and dialectical premises of the followings;
A] Human beings determine consciences; which bears historical and dialectical relations to the production relations of each society at varies times of social classifications. In this context Marxism crest on the pillars of a posteriori knowledge, exonerating determinism and transcendental phenomenology of human ontology as mundane argumentum, as untenable and unacceptable as the causality of creation and existence on a global basis. In this context despite some missing link the evolutionary theory of the Homo sapiens has become widely acceptable as a philosophical standard practice as truth self evident and scientific.
Researchers and students of physical and cultural anthropology would bear me witness that materialistic view of human ontology is not native to Karl Marx as his forerunners of medieval philosophy  of Anahimenes, Pytagoras and Anahimernda have been able to lay a foundation for future development of the theory in simile with the Nilolai Gogol’s personage in his celebrated book of’ Pikavaya Dama’- [Russian]-Queen of Spade’[English]where Shakalisky and Shaman youth to the marrow where at daggers drawn to win the love of an octogenarian who could die today or tomorrow so that they can steal the secrets of the Spades which is the source of everlasting wealth and fame to their own streams of consciousness. Shaman was presented as another Napoleon which bears reminiscences to the general milieu of that era even before the emergence of the true Napoleons that conquered the world in 100 days-   the idea had already been in the air so to say.
Social beings determining consciousness engage in activities of production that generate enterprise and social relations comes into being and begins to development as the causality of human civilization on a global basis. This invigorates production relations in the aspects of relation between production and the productive forces of nature. Of course the aspects of capital, land, labour and entrepreneurship comes to the fore as factors of production. The crux of the matter begins to rear its head as production become more complex;so also is the production relations which historically has produced a hierarchical social order of primeval stages of the early man, the era of slavery, the era of feudalism  which became moribund giving way to the contemporary era of capitalism which also is becoming moribund to give way to socialism.
murtala Mohammed
In that order of mutantis mutandis the historical and dialectical view of human history took shape till today as scientific,; presentable and acceptable to all men of good will the world over.
B) Consequently according to the Marxist laws of Negation of De Negation the era of Capitalism and cooperate and institutional greed has become moribund on a universal basis and its continuous existence is the causality of the current global economic recession and this is likely to remain with us until something drastic is done to reverse the trend. Research has indicated that more than 80% of the world total wealth in the western hemisphere and Africa is being controlled by less than 10% of the population leaving the rest 90% of the population to poverty, hunger, frustration , shame, death and misery. Some peoples are born into this class of rich and supper rich while many others are born into the poor class without choice but to remain poor in this class for ever,
comrade obafemi awolowo
MKO Abiola
C) Class Struggle of the 21 century: The 21 century is bedeviled with the new class struggles between the have and have not and that will be the war that will engulf all the years of the 21st century mankind as the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more abrasive and in many cases will snow ball into civil wars towards the middle years of the 21st century except something is done to redistribute wealth through legislative means and spread opportunities to the low income earners.
d) Redundancies/ Joblessness, homelessness, hunger and Misery: This is a clarion warning to all the workers of the world that except you take the bull by its horns the cases of joblessness that has become acute on a global basis, the cases of hunger, misery homelessness will grow more acute as we advance into the 21st century and it is time all workers state advocating for a social order and production relations of participatory capitalism as a step into true social democratic ideals.
e)Social Democracy pride itself on the inalienable adamantine principles of equality of all citizen and the empowerment of all citizens of a polity to qualitative and free education at all levels, to jobs at all levels, to housing, good health, social security and much more. Social democracy is committed to agricultural ad industrial revolution, abhor corruption, abhor looting of state and public treasuries and abhor all the present ills of capitalism and in place furnace out a marshal plan to reinvent the human being of social democratic polity.
Conclusion: Once more I wish all the workers of Nigeria, Africa and the entire world a happy workers day and earnestly solicit their support t make this world a better place for all.
Prince Frank Onaivi Ukonga
Presidential Aspirant of Nigeria -2019 polls