The Sacraments of H.E Prince Frank Ukonga To all workers of the World: This Day 1st May 2017, Unto thee, all workers of the universe We grant the following Sacraments to liberate you from poverty, hunger,shame , ruins and griefs: Workers of all Nations of the World, Unite and grab your destinies with both hands.

The Sacraments of H.E Prince Frank Ukonga To all workers of the World: This Day 1st May 2017, Unto thee, all workers of the universe We grant the following Sacraments to liberate you from poverty, hunger,shame , ruins and griefs: Workers of all Nations of the World, Unite and grab your destinies with both hands.
His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga- PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANT
 ThisDay the 1st of May 2017 anno Domini we grant all workers of the universe the Sacraments of Prince Frank Onaivi Ukonga- the Prince Of Kukuruku Provinces, principalities and powers to liberate them from the universality of enslavement by capitalism, poverty, hunger, homelessness, scavenging, grief and shame foisted on them by the contemporary imperialism, Cooperate and institutional greed etc; as a panacea to usher them into everlasting freedom on a global scale…  the sacraments of Frank Ukonga is addressed to assist the entire globe to solve the World economic crisis  of the 21st century mankind of subsequent creation; as we journey along time and space in our three dimensional inertia system and of gravitational pull of 9.8m/s2 . As this phenomenology remain constant and adamantine, native to our planet earth as scientific and deterministic and based on this hypothesis, as truth, self evident:,
We grant the following SACRAMENTS;
1] That capitalism, cooperate and institutional greed are the direct and remote causality of the 21 century world economic and financial crisis.
2] That this crisis will grow more acute as we enter in to the second quartile of the 21 century unless something drastic is done on a global scale to resolve the world economic/financial crisis.
3]That there is an urgent need for the United Nation General Assembly to begin the – New World Order of the 21 century by the adoption of – A new Marshall plan to bail out the world from immanent economic/Financial collapse.
4]That the BRICS states plus Germany, Britain and the United States holds the key to resolving the world’s economic crisis if they can muster the will and cooperation to do so, otherwise poverty, disease, famine, hunger, death, AIDS pandemic, homelessness, redundancy of skilled and unskilled labor will grow more acute as we advance into the 21st century.
5] This problem if not resolved will be the causality of the 3ed world war towards the middle & upper quartiles of the 21 century.
6] Post industrialism vs Industrializing Nations must seek a truce of  conscientization in their  policy thrust of engagement and avarice competition.
7] Decades of wars in the Middle East and its negative impact on world political economy as contributory to the current down turn in world financial status and economy.
8] That the government of Social Democracy hold the answer to solving world political and economic crisis on a global basis through the advocacy of the theories of Participatory capitalism called  as a cannon fodder/ cushion  for the world’s journey into full socialism which is the inevitable adamantine order for the human race as a social,. Political and economic ideological imperatives if the human race is to survive into the 22 century.
9] The above SACRAMENTS represent the TRUTH about the causality of the contemporary problems of the post industrial mankind of the 21 century wherein also lies the solutions to the excruciating burden.
10] Workers of all countries of the world unite and take your destiny with your hands.

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