World News:DA, Frank Ukonga, congratulate Keir Starmer the New PM of UK @ 2024

World News:DA, Frank Ukonga, congratulate Keir Starmer the New PM of UK @ 2024 On the behalf of all members of DA- Democratic Alternative Party, and the National Chairman of our great party ,HE Prince Frank Ukonga we congratulate the Labour Party of the United Kingdom and the newly elected Prime Minister HE Keir Starmer. Long Live Brithish - Nigerian Relations. - Ebenizer Mojiyagbe; Political Desk; National Peoples News; ISSN:1595-0549

Public Announcement:USA is 248 Years @ 2024 :DA, Frank Ukonga Congratulate Joe Biden,Kamala Harris and all Americans:

Public Announcement:USA is 248 Years @ 2024:DA, Frank Ukonga Congratulate Joe Biden,Kamala Harris and all Americans: On the behalf of all members of DA- Democratic Alternative Party and the National Chairman of our great party,HE Prince Frank Ukonga we congratulate HE Joe Biden, the President of the United States and the Vice President HE Kamala Harris and all the Citizens of America on the celebrations of 248 years independence anniversary @ 4th July 2024 (1776- 2024) Long live Nigerian -United States Relations. _ Basiru Ayandiran; Desk Editor: National Peoples News:1595-0549

World News: Eid El Kabir:DA, Frank Ukonga; Message to Nigerians & Citizens of the World:

World News: Eid El Kabir:DA, Frank Ukonga; Message to Nigerians & Citizens of the World: On the behalf of all Members of DA- Democratic Alternative Party and the Presidential Candidate of our great Party 2019/2023 elections, HE Prince Frank Ukonga, we greet all muslims,Nigerians and citizens of the World Happy Eid El Kabir celebrations. The Presidential Candidate of our great party , HE Prince Frank Ukonga admornishes all to reflect and follow the Noble tenets of the Messages of Prophet Mohammed(SAW) Peace Be Onto His Holiness; addressed to be be at accord with fellow Mankind and at Concord with the Creator, the Benefactor and the Beneficent; to guarantee sustainable peace and economic prosperity among Mankind of Subsequent Creation. Gratitude. Basiru Ayandiran:Desk Editor : National Peoples News:ISSN: 1595- 0549

Public Announcement: June 12, 2024: DA, Frank Ukonga, Democracy Day Message: Public Announcement: June 12, 2024: DA, Frank Ukonga, Democracy Day Message: "On the behalf of all members of DA Democratic Alternative Party, the National Chairman of our great Party, HE Prince Frank Ukonga, greets all Nigerians, Happy Democracy Day; admonishing all citizens to rededicate ourselves to the noble ideals of June 12 , " HOPE '93" and the imperatives of HE Basorun MKO Abiola and others' struggles to establishing genuine democracy in Nigeria and Africa. The amiable Prince admonished the govt to deliver on campaign promises of dividends of democracy to all Nigerians. and advised global Actors to stop the ongoing wars in Ukraine ,terrorism and banditry in Africa, Wars in the Middle East and Asian Minor which could lead to "World War 3" of doomsday dread of Nuclear Holocausts and final destruction of Planet Earth. The World must urgently go back to dialogue on bipolar Nuclear Parity, and détente. Ebemizer Majiyagbe Political Desk National Peoples News

Public Announcement:June 12,2024: DA,Frank Ukonga Democracy Day Message:

Public Announcement:June 12,2024: DA,Frank Ukonga Democracy Day Message: "On the behalf of all members of DA Democratic Alternative Party,the National Chairman of our great Party, HE Prince Frank Ukonga greets all Nigerians Happy Democracy Day; admonishing all citizens of the polity to rededicate ourselves to the noble ideals of June 12 " HOPE '93" and the imperatives of HE Basorun MKO Abiola and others' struggles to establishing genuine democracy in Nigeria and Africa. The amiable Prince admonished the govt to deliver on campaign promises of dividends of democracy to all Nigerians. Furthermore, the Prince advised global Actors to stop the ongoing wars in Ukraine ,terrorism and bandictory in Africa, Wars in the Middle East and Asian Minor which could lead to "World War 3" of doomsday dread of Nuclear Holocausts and final destruction of our dear Planet Earth. The World must urgently go back to the negotiations tables and dialogue to stop the ongoing global Wars with focus on Bipollar Power Structures, Nuclear Parity, respect for each others predatory integrity and détente. or we shall all perish as fools. _Ebenizer Majiyabe: Political Desk: National Peoples News:

Breaking News:DA Recommend N80k as Minimum Wage to NLC/ Govt Impasse @ 2024:

Breaking News:DA Recommend N80k as Minimum Wage to NLC/ Govt Impasse @ 2024: The Democratic Alternative party after due consultations as well as engagement in empherical R&D admonishes the NLC_ Nigerian Labour Congress and the government to consider N80,000 as minimum wage for now for civil servants of the Nigerian Federation as panacea to the current Minimum Wage impasse. This was was made known to the media by the National Chairman of DA, HE Prince Frank Ukonga,as he offered the following observations: "In Macro Economic Budgeting, the Recurrent Expenditures of govts(Salaries and social spendings inclusive) are at concurrences with the Capital Expenditures and it is imperative to achieve an equilibrium amongst these two competing aspects to guarantee socio economic growth and infrastructural development of the sovereignty" He opined further that for the Tinubu led APC govt to succeed it is advisable to keep the cost of governance (Salaries, social Spendings, emoluments, travels etc) to 25% ratio of the GDP as in international Standard Practice, which would ease funds for capital Expenditures " He concluded.

Public Announcement; Worker's Day Message From HE. Frank Ukonga, 1st May 2024:

Public Announcement;Worker's Day Message From HE. Frank Ukonga, 1st May 2024: On the behalf of all Members of the Democratic Alternative, HE. Prince Frank Ukonga the National Chairman of DA, wishes all Workers of Nigeria and the World Happy Worker's Day. The Amiable Prince admonished all Workers in Nigeria and younder to rededicate efforts towards genuine contributions to Nation Building in the context of quality service delivery to the polity,as this is the sure path to building a sustainable egalitarian democracy. He also admornished the government to ameliorate the plights of the Nigerian Workers and in other climes in the context of investing in infrastructural development and electricity for business to thrive.And to remunerate Workers salaries and emoluments to guarantee equitable production Relations. furthermore, the Amiable Prince harped on the urgent need for Global and Regional Actors to invent ingenious stratagems of conflict Resolutions to stem the ongoing Wars in Euro- Asia and the Middle East;and to stem banditry, terrorisms, poverty, homelessness, hunger and other threatening challenges in Africa and the world in generality; Addressed to guarantee sustainable global Peace, economic Prosperity and Détente. Gratitude. Basiru Ayandiran: Desk Editor: National Peoples News: ISSN:1595- 0549