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Vote DA Democratic Alternative in Edo lga polls - H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga -DA Nat. Cahairman Explodes |
Breaking News: Edo State LGA Polls-PROGRESS 2018: DA Gameplan for the Republic, States & LGA
–“Vote DA for Chairmen and Councilors, We Promise to Deliver the Dividends of
Democracy to all”- H.E. Prince Frank Ukonga - A Marxist Expert & the National
Chairman of DA- Democratic Alternative Party Explodes:
DA-{Democratic Alternative Party} Prerogatives when we are
voted to power in Edo state is to make Edo state the richest, wealthiest and best state in Nigeria and sub Saharan Africa.
The game plan is to begin the DA policy thrust of Economic, Industrial and
Agricultural Revolutions hinged on the following empirical approach to the
question of state and National Development in the context of the wealth of
Our Political Philosophy is based on the ideological
persuasion of the Marxist Social Democratic tenets of the centre left, that
hold adamantine the following dissertations:
1] That all human beings on Planet Earth are born equal
2] That Social Beings determines consciousness, which begin
to invigorate enterprises and entrepreneurship began from the stone age of the early
man developed to slavery, slavery gave way to feudalism, feudalism gave way to
capitalism and capitalism would collapse into socialism through the path of
Social Democracy and would finally develop into communism basking on the
Marxist laws of quantitative transformation to qualitative….. in that order of
Mutantis Mutandis
3] That historical and dialectical Materialism of the Human
Race cognitizes production as the basis of social progress of the Homo sapiens
which holds within itself the characteristics of Production Relations; as to
how to distribute the wealth and profits of labor among the production forces
of land , labor, capital and entrepreneurship and here the contemporary
Production Relations has gone moribund as it is unduly skewed towards the
capitalist, producing a Nation of Rich and Super rich few less than 3% of the
population of the Nation and the global Village and producing more than 97% of
the Nation and the world as poor miserable souls{Machiavelli –The Prince}.
4] Marxism belief this anomaly must change…and that power
must change hands to Social Democrats who would administer the state/ Nation addressed
to redistribute wealth and income and fruits of production with equity, to
empower the poor, to support the weak, to encourage the meek, to humble the
greedy, proud and gaunt, to support women, youth and the vulnerable, addressed
to produce a wealthy egalitarian society that would provide for all and sundry.
But remember that to achieve these giant strides you have a role to play…in
this context your voters card is most invaluable…go get it..You must be able to
identify the course and be prepared {General Sun Tsu}
5] The contemporary challenges of the Nation in the context
of Joblessness, as over 70% of the population of the Nation and the global
village are unemployed, Security Challenges, Energy challenges, climatic and environmental
degradation, poverty, scavenging, prostitution, misery, lowliness, homelessness,
hunger, violence, crime, etal are all caused by the impudence of capitalism on
National and global basis that insist of ROI- Return on Investment -at all cost
and by whatever means possible… this is the real Beast camouflaged with a Human
Face that is the causality of the entire problems of the Human Race… The task
of Marxism is to tame this Beast to tolerable margins that would allow for the
growth of genuine civilization of the Human Race to the admiration of us and
the gods alike, in eternal continuous supplications of jubilating thanks to God,
the creator, the beneficent, the benefactor…
6] Social Democracy of Marxist bias belief that the people
must take their destinies with both hands, to unite and struggle to vote out of
power those who insist in trampling on the birth rights of the majority of the citizens
of Nations and in place create a government of the people, by the people and
for the people...This task odious as it may, can be achieved…as Once there is a
Will, there is a Way… [Confucius].
7] Marxism holds strong the triumph and superiority of A posteriori
over Apriori as in the fundamental questions of philosophy of Determinism vs
indeterminism as it relates to Human Ontology… nevertheless tolerates idealism.
8] Marxism belief in the Revolutionary Transformation of the
ways of life of the society as in Economic Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Agricultural
Revolution etc and in the accelerated development of the society to higher
altitudes of rectitude and Summon Bonum and this tenets we are committed to at
DA- Democratic Alternative Party to transform the Nation to the highest pinnacle
of civilization that would be a pride to us all and to other citizens of our
near and far abroad.
9] Marxism belief in genuine freedom, true federalism,
equity, truth, Justice , equal opportunities to all the citizens of the
Republic , Jobs for all, total eradication of Hunger, health for all, free and qualitative
Education for all, top quality infrastructural development, water for all ,cheap
electricity for all 24/7, top quality highways, roads, airports, stadiums, museums,
schools, universities ,beautiful houses for all, cheap, good and affordable transport
for all, trains, trams, ships, air planes etc for all, cheap and affordable food
for all, women , youth and sports development, cultural development and much
10] Above all, Marxism belief in quality human resource development,
in particular in re inventing the Human Race to follow good morals, good behavior,
good ethics, good table manners, good character, good and progressive ways of
talking, good diction, good etiquette, dressing well in clean and ironed cloth,
keep clean, good and hygienic rooms, houses and environment, queuing at bus
stops, in super markets and orderliness. Marxist belief in producing standard egalitarian
Republic that would be a great pride to the entire world and to the glory of
God the creator, the benefactor, the beneficent…
Consequently we offer the following promissory Notes if
voted into power:
1] Accelerated Job creation for the teeming unemployed youth
of the Republic put at over 60 million in population of unemployed youth
roaming the streets of the Republic..This is a time bomb that all hands have to
be on deck to invent new methods of giving them gainful employments.
2] DA- Democratic Alternative stratagem to get the youth off
the streets into gainful employment is through our policy thrust of Industrial,
Economic and Agricultural revolution.
3] Our game plan is to wake up the sleeping giant of our
Republic which is the Real Sector economy that is comatose due to lack of
Electricity…the real sector in full capacity can employ all the youth of the
Republic but due to lack of adequate electricity supply that section is comatose
…Our strategy at DA is to generate 50,000Mega Watt of Electricity to jump start
the Nigerian Industrial Revolution which would create millions of jobs and
create wealth and raise our GNP to upwards of $2 trillion dollars annually and
place Nigeria amongst the top ten economic giants of the world by 2024.
4] We plan to generate liquid steel to kick start the iron
and steel Revolution of the Republic which would employ more than 5 million
peoples and more than 20 million peoples in its downstream sectors..
5] We at DA subscribe to the philosophy of exporting
finished goods from Nigeria..that means all sectors would be banned from
exporting Nigerian raw materials…In the Oil and Gas industry we shall stop the
exports of crude oil but rather would build refineries that would transform exports
in that sector to refined products as there are over 450 products and
derivatives in one barrel of oil/gas…whence it makes sense to refine and
exports products from our refineries…when DA comes to power our policy thrust
of industrial Revolution would impact positively on the petroleum sector , this
will create jobs, eradicate poverty and
raise the GNP of the Republic to more than quadruple and would place the
Republic amongst the first ten economic and industrial giant of the universe…
6]Agricultural Revolution would be pursued with the greatest
speed and alacrity more than ever addressed to feed the entire Nation and
convert the surplus in our agro based industries to finished products for
7] Free and qualitative Education to all the citizens of the
8] Free Pro Active health care scheme for all the citizens
of the Republic through a National Healthcare Insurance Scheme.
9] Accelerated quality infrastructural Development policy thrust
of top quality Highways, roads, bridges, reservoirs, dredging of River Niger
and River Benue, new modern sea ports, airports; quality transport system,
modern trains to connect all cities, villages and capitals of our dear Republic…this
will create so many jobs that we shall need extra hands from other countries to
come and work in Nigeria..
10]Sports, youth and Women Development; Tourism, Music, Art,
Culture, Hotels, recreation centers, zoos, Natural Parks, Game Reserves , Tree
planting, Landscapes for City, Town and country beautification etc would be of
top priority…DA determined to transform the Republic to one of the most
beautiful country in the entire universe …
Conclusion: Vote for
DA in the Edo state Local Government Election and in all elections in Nigeria.
This is the overall gameplan of DA for the Republic which would be tailored to
be implemented in any local government or state that votes DA to power.Gratitude.
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